Tuesday, May 25, 2010


if you have ever bid on an auction item on ebay, you will understand the adrenalin pumping,gambling induced high you get from being the highest bidder. you are bidding against strangers to win an item you are not exactly sure you even want, you just want to win it.
as the auction time is running out, you are glued to your ebay account, god forbid you get outbid the last few seconds.
this is how I bought my minivan.
of course, I never actually saw it and was relying solely on the pictures the owner posted and the information he supplied. hopefully he wasn't a crack addict.
how bad could it be.
i am now the proud owner of a 2000 chrysler town and country minivan with 117,000 miles. i won it for $3,050.00.
on the way down to the jersey shore to pick it up, i prayed that it was not a piece of crap and would get us across the country without any problems.
it turns out, the engine was the least of my worries.
it seems the minivan was used for transporting seafood of some kind and the interior reeked of salty, dead fish.
the smell would come out of the upholstery in waves and produce a gagging feeling in your chest that would make you want to vomit.
unfortunately, it had an even more disgusting problem. the owner had glued a fabric cover on the steering wheel. it was moist, dirty and smelly.
i had to hold the steering wheel with tissues.
maybe i could dip the minivan in a big tub of clorox?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Minivan Hell

There is no way 3 adults and 2 dogs can fit comfortably in my small car for a road trip across the country. The fact is, I will lose my mind or leave one of the kids or dogs at a rest stop.
I promised myself a long time ago I would NEVER, EVER succumb to buying a mini van.
The thought of driving one makes me shudder....
but the time has come to reconsider.
The dogs will need room to stretch out, the girls will need their own space and I can drive without everyone breathing down my neck, literally.
After scouring Craigslist,I found a cheap mini van dealer named Mohammed who has a used car business in Hackensack. It took some time to locate his unmarked garage on State Street and I felt a little uneasy walking into the dank office in the back parking lot. A man with an Australian accent, who was clearly not Mohammed, showed me a few minivans in my price range.By the looks of the cars, my price range of $2,000.00 may have been a little high. The first car he showed me had some trouble starting. Not a good sign for a trip across country .He told me the cars were all bought at auctions and were priced for quick sales.Most of the cars had some exterior damage, but the outside was not my concern.
Could this minivan make it over the Rockies?
The next minivan started without a problem and I began to get excited, this just might be our car.
I got in the drivers seat, and upon turning around to survey the back of the car, I noticed there was no carpeting.Now I know this might be a minor detail to some people, but I started to think of why there was no carpeting in the car. All I could come up with, was that this car must have been involved in a bloody massacre and the carpeting had to be taken out.I would be thinking about this scenario all the way across country. I know carpeting may be a luxury in some cars but the alternative is much more bleak, and I started to feel dirty just sitting in this car.I needed to get as far away from Mohammed and his sketchy minivans as possible.
While driving back home, I started to rethink the whole minivan scenario.
Maybe I can rent a U-Haul and attach it to my little car. When the girls get tired, they could lie in the U-Haul and stretch out. I'm not sure that this is safe or even legal but it may be worth looking into....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A new lease on life.....

Finally.....after 4 months on the market ,I have rented our home.
Our dream is now a reality. Now the fun begins.
What do I do with 20 years of stuff ?
Furniture, photos, baby clothes, paintings,dishes,the kids'artwork,
school albums, kitchen gadgets,leaf blowers,bicycles....
I wonder if the new tenant could use my chainsaw ?
I have to fix the fence that is being held up by duct tape, I don't think it will hold up through next winter.And what about those weeds, should I just let them grow ? maybe they will think that they are exotic plants.
so many things to do in 2 months before we leave-maybe I could use a man around the house after all.
Or maybe I just screw it, rent a dumpster and fill it with all my stuff and start over.
Do I really want to save the antique rocking horse I bought with my (now ex-husband) to celebrate our 2 year anniversary?
I mean when I think about it, this is all just stuff, I am not bringing it with me when I die, so maybe I just make a clean break with it now....